

On the nature of things

Reflections on Nature

Just because your language allows you to say that there was a time when there was no time does not mean that human language can subjugate Nature. Just because your brain allows you to conceive Nature in a state of zero space does not mean that your brain is capable of telling Nature how to behave. Nature is free, you see, and will not accommodate to anybody's wishes. Not even to your demands, whoever you are.

Read in this book about the discontinuity of time, energy, mass, space ... once these variables reach their zero measurement-point; read how, if Mr. Albert Einstein's fundamental equation is right, light can give birth to energy, space to mass, time to gravity ...

In "The nature of Nature" the author invites the reader to reflect on some aspects of the fundamental variables that constitute our universe: time, mass, energy, light ... Are they what they seem to be? But most importantly, are they what science tells us they are? If the author is right, there is something fundamentally wrong both with the way science, including scientists like Mr. Einstein himself, claim to be able to measure our universe AND with the capability of our brain to understand the very nature of Nature.

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Prime numbers

To the reader interested in prime numbers, the author offers in this book an original solu- tion to that problem. Primes cease to be hidden, mysterious numbers, randomly distributed in the counting system as if were, and become localisable at fixed, predictable places within that numerical system. A new algo- rithm described in this work leads to the fastest possible solution to that old problem.